Pity those who have died for a story that was never their own for they have died for nothing. The Lebanon lie is dead. It expired at its 100’s birthday. It is now time for a new story.


Lebanon is dead! Long live Lebanon.

As the majority of Lebanese have gone below the poverty line, we all ask, why isn’t anyone rising up, why isn’t anyone fighting, where is the revolution? The answer is simple. We lost hope. In a country where 80% of the population is brainwashed by religious, sectarian and outdated beliefs; employed as useless minions for political agendas on the expense of the country’s economy, and filled with hatred to any and all that is different; We all lost hope in any change happening. Add to this the obvious mass schizophrenia where some people are living like no tomorrow while the rest are barely surviving.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” A very smart man said that. Do we really believe that the warlords, that got us here, will suddenly fix everything? Do we really believe that the IMF loans will not drown us in even more debt? Do we really believe that the armed militias will suddenly decide to give up their arms after taking over not only the country but the region? Do we really believe that any foreign entity or government from east or west, have nothing but our best interest on their agendas?

We need to wake up. We need to stop lying to ourselves first. We need to acknowledge that we were living a lie called Lebanon. We were brainwashed by fictions of phoenixes, cities that never die, the so called message of co-living and many more. Lebanon is only a fiction dreamed by song writers and signers.

I does not matter how bad our situation is, how poor we get and how devastating this situation is. It does not matter how strong and brutal they can be, or how many guns and minions they have. It does not matter how many are covering them, brainwashed by them or fed by them. It does not matter how corrupt they are, how much control over our lives they have. We can still have a country we all dream of. We can still turn the table on their heads, we can even create the best country in the world out of the rubble and disarray of their failed state. We just need to be crazy enough to try. Crazy enough to think beyond their line of sight, beyond their comprehension, beyond their level of non-intelligence, beyond their ignorance. We can overcome them with one great leap into the future of governance.

When companies become bigger than most countries, span across borders, attract employees and follower from all over the world, surely a country can do the same. A country is not land, it is not border, it is not buildings and ruins. A country is group of people that believe the same story, share the same culture, language, fictions and seek the same future.

In a world where our expats create ripples in the world in every domain. In the age information, artificial intelligence, automation and energy, we can find a way to reclaim our lives, our country and a future for our children. We can build a country that the world has never seen and they will not see it coming.

There will be sacrifices. Sacrifices so mediocre compared to what we have already endured. This time however, no one needs to lose an eye, a leg or their life. What else do we have to lose? We have nothing left.

To you the young and old who have been robbed of their entire life’s work, their future and present. To the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels and the trouble makers, the ones who dare to still see things differently. To those who are young, full of energy and hate for those who want to destroy our future. To the techies, geeks and geniuses who spread our innovative genes across the world. To you who are not fond of rules, who have no respect for the status quo; i say:

Our best hope is here. There is no place better and there is always hope. we can still win. We can make a difference, because we, who are crazy enough to believe can change the world are the ones who do.  “Steve Jobs”

How crazy is this plan? We are going to create a dent in the global political space. We are going to create a ripple that will grow into a tsunami and take the world by surprise. We are going to create a country the worlds have never seen before. A country so radical, so futuristic, so intelligent, that it will become a blueprint for many future countries. It is a complicated, geeky and digital. This is why they will not see it coming before it becomes too late for them to fight back.

I encourage you to open your mind, change perspective, get out of you comfort zone and imagine a world where borders, politicians and banks disappear; Where people literally own their government and where a country in complete collapse becomes a model for the future of Governance.

“Rabih Maalouf”


To create solutions, we first need to identify our problems. Boy do we have problems! Second, we need to admit we have those problems. Third, we need to find a peaceful solution to those problems:

  • No one believes the Lebanon Lie/story anymore. Everyone wants their own story.
  • Every Religion, political party and cartel created their cantons and are feeding on what is remaining of the dead country’s carcass
  • All the factions have foreign agendas and all warlord puppets have foreign puppeteers. None is independent.
  • Those who deserve a country are very few. 80% are brainwashed minions.
  • The 20% cannot win or influence a conventional election while the opponent  creates the rules of the election game.
  • Banks, politicians, clergy and warlords are on the same side. They fight only for their own interest. A country where people rule is not in their best interest
  • It will take us ages of austerity and poverty to get out of our financial mess using conventional methods. No! IMF is not a solution. it is a load of debt
  • Reclaiming the 10452 km2 physical jurisdiction is currently not possible without a civil war.
  • The internal social and power balance leads to the control of the same constituent and will always benefit their agenda.
  • No one wants a federation because each canton wants to impose their own rules on the rest. Either by force, by economic manipulation or by sheer stupidity.


Absence of common sense
Brainwashed Minions
Political Parites
Warlord Puppets
Foreign Puppeteers
Armed Militias
Trade Cartels


If we are to succeed in creating a new country, we need to address the following issues :
  • Accept the fact that we are all different and no one wants to work on their differences or accept them.
  • The lie of co-living, message of tolerance needs to go.
  • Organize our differences by allowing the creation of voluntary virtual communities or virtual cantons
  • Agree to absolute non-aggression principle between communities
  • Create and agree on a new constitution/code
  • Provide common governance services to the different communities
  • Create and implement an economic reset plan


A Decentralized, Borderless, Voluntary, Nation that re-invents Governance by introducing new Legal, social and economic systems based on Web 3.0 technologies


Decentralized DACs (Decentralized Autonomous Communities) Create their own stories under the global code and compete for followers.


Without borders our country can scale beyond the 10452 Km2 physical jurisdiction and include the Large Lebanese diaspora and all their resources.


Any person or legal entity can decide to join or leave any DAC as they please without consequences. DACs will compete by providing the best services.


Lebanon 3.0 nation shall be the collective story that all DACs and following citizens believe in. It is a code of roles and responsibilities. It is the people not the land.


We want to propose a new story for a new country; and it is unlike anything you ever heard. A country without borders and politicians. An economy without banks or taxes. A country with no religion and no discrimination.
Lebanon 3.0 is a governance “as a service” provider that provides unbiased, incorruptible and efficient governance services to all citizens. It is not a conventional government or a conventional country. Lebanon 3.0 does not have borders. you can forget about the 10452 km2. Lebanon 3.0 does not have a president, a government or a parliament owned by religions, sects, militias and political cartels.
Lebanon 3.0 is the first true democracy since the word was invented 508 BC. Never in history was there a rule of the people. Representative democracy responsible of untold atrocities and most of human suffering throughout history made sure that only the rich and powerful can rule.
Today with modern technology, where people can clearly vote on anything stupid through social media, Voting does not need corrupt wealthy representatives that only represent their own self interests. Every person can have a free voice even if it does not conform with the masses.
Lebanon 3.0 frees people from political, religious and governance slavery. It is not another prison that we call a country. No one chooses where they are born, to which religion, in what country or under what rule. In Lebanon 3.0 a person can choose to join any system they want or even create their own while abiding by the code and non aggression principles.
Lebanon 3.0 provides a framework for service based governance, a code for a single source of truth and manages the relation between the different DACs. It operates like a virtual federation without enforcing boundaries or rules on communities/cantons.
Lebanon 3.0 is indeed a novel complicated concept for most people that are brainwashed and conditioned by the current status quo. If you are one of the few that can think outside of the box, read our papers to learn more.


Lebanon 3.0 White Paper

Our white paper is a summary of what we want Lebanon 3.0 to look like. We want to invite and convince followers to become the first citizens of Lebanon 3.0 by subscribing to our IGO (Initial Governance Offering) for an equal share ownership of a new country.

White Paper

Lebanon 3.0 Code

Why a code? Because unlike constitutions, our code includes responsibilities not just a bill of rights. Lebanon 3.0 code is the ultimate source of truth and governance. It is the essence of Lebanon 3.0 story.

The Code

Lebanon 3.0 Plan

Lebanon case is unprecedented. We cannot patch and fix the unlimited number of problems anymore. We need drastic measures and novel solutions. We need a complete reset to revive a dead corpse and it is going to hurt.

Reset Plan