

Can you Imagine a government that provide quality services that are efficient and competitive? This is unheard of, even in the best systems in the world.

Instead of forcing taxes and the worst quality services on citizens, Lebanon 3.0 proposes a governance as a service model. This is a novel governance model inspired by the digital world of modern businesses. The World Economic Forum predicts that all products will become services by 2030. Governance is not an exception. It may take longer to implement but it will be a huge improvement to how our world is being ruled today if it survives.

Instead of having one large prison where everyone hates everyone else, the janitors are corrupt and the brutal cartels rule over the prison; Lebanon 3.0 provides the platform that allows various groups to create their own independent communities. These communities already exists based on religious backgrounds and everyone wants to enforce their own prison rules. However, in Lebanon 3.0 free no-religious communities can compete with religiously brainwashed communities for followers.  A liberal non religious community can surely attract outcasts suffering from the religious oppression and decaying beliefs. Communities can decide their own rules,  legal system, or financial system. The only requirements are signing the non-aggression agreement and abiding by the “Code”.

Lebanon 3.0 provides arbitration services to resolve conflicts between communities and citizens. It uses Blockchain smart contracts to manage interactions between communities and citizens. This makes interactions safe and immutable, thus require minimal attribution.

Lebanon 3.0 provide a platform based on modern web 3.0, open source, blockchain based, and AI enabled technologies. All services are provided digitally with no room for corruption and with minimal workforce. They are convenient, quick and efficient with no human interaction.

The following section describes the proposed services of Lebanon 3.0  platform and explain how communities can benefit from these services to cover citizen needs.